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joachim lafosse


After living together for fifteen years, Marie and Boris break up. But she's the one who bought the house in which they've been living with their two children, although he's the one who entirely renovated it. For the time being, they're obliged to continue living in the house together, as Boris doesn't have the means to find a new home. Now it is the time for reckoning, neither of them wants to let go of what they esteem they've contributed over the years.


Mazarine Pingeot, Fanny Burdino, Joachim Lafosse


With the participation of

Thomas Van Zuylen



Bérénice Bejo, Cédric Kahn



Les films du Worso, Versus production


Financial partners

CNC (Avance sur Recettes), ARTE/Cofinova, Indéfilms, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, VOO,

Fonds Audiovisuel de Flandre, Eurimages


French distribution and sales

Le Pacte



Canal +, Ciné +, ARTE​






Release date

August 10th, 2016


Running time

101 min


Festivals and distinctions

  • Festival de Cannes - Quinzaine des cinéastes

    • Sélection Officielle

  • International festival of San Sebastian -

    • Sélection Perles

  • British Film Institute London Film Festival

    • ​Love selection

  • Toronto international film festival (TIFF)

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