Lucile Hadzihalilovic
Ten-year-old Nicolas lives with his mother in a remote village beside the ocean, inhabited solely by women and boys his age. In a hospital overlooking the sea, all the children receive a mysterious treatment. Nicolas is the only one to question it. He feels that his mother is lying to him and would like to know what she does with the other women at night on the beach. What he discovers is just the beginning of a long nightmare. But Nicolas will discover an unexpected ally in a young nurse at the hospital.
Lucile Hadzihalilovic,
Alanté Kavaïté with the collaboration of Geoff Cox
Max Brébant, Roxane Duran, Julie-Marie Parmentier
Les films du Worso, coprod. délégué: Noodles Production, coproduction: Volcano Films (Espagne),
Scope Pictures (Belgique), Left Field Ventures (Belgique)
Financial partners
CNC (Avance sur Recettes après réalisation), Indéfilms 3, Palatine Etoile 12
French distribution
International sales
Wild Bunch
Canal +, Ciné +
Fantastic, drama
Release date
March 16th, 2016
Running time
81 min
Festivals et distinctions
San Sebastian International Film Festival -
Jury prize and best photography prize
Festival Utopiales of Nantes
Grand du Prix
Toronto International Film Festival - Vanguards