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Cedric klapisch: what moves him
patrick fabre



This film on Cédric Klapisch, wants to be alive. We will follow the director during a walk in this Paris that he loves so much and that he filmed so well: the Bastille district, the Champs Elysées, the Montmartre hill, the 14th... And soon all of Paris in his next film, which will simply be called Paris. Along the way, he will evoke his childhood, his career, his films, his great encounters, his influences, his tastes... He will meet some of the personalities who are part of his universe such as Romain Duris or Audrey Tautou.

Other actors, producers or directors will recount Klapisch and testify to its importance in French and world cinema. To trace with him the portrait of a man as much as a filmmaker. And discover what moves him.


Patrick Fabre



Les films du Worso


Financial partners




France 5, Cinécinéma​

1st Broadcast

21 février 2008


Running time

52 min


Festivals and distinctions

  • Berlin Film Festival (Forum)

  • Tribeca Film Festival- Best Scénario Prize

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